September 2013 archives
September 27, 2013 by cannonfast
Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 Ai-s
Want an extremely sharp manual focus 50mm f/1.4? The Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 Ai-s is an absolutely fantastic well built lens with great optics for almost any situation including low light.Archives
September 25, 2013 by cannonfast
Pentax SMC Takumar 55mm f/2.0 Asahi
This Pentax SMC Takumar 55mm f/2.0 Asahi is a great little M42 Mount lens with great build and optics. Producing really nice bokeh, this lens is a bargain and are not too hard to find.Archives
September 22, 2013 by cannonfast
Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Macro D VS. Non D
There is a huge difference optically between the Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Macro D VS. Non D although many people will try to tell you the only difference is the updated metering system for flash. Not true. I had 7 lenses on hand to try and they all told me there is also a multicoating improvement […]Archives
September 17, 2013 by cannonfast
Pentax SMC Takumar 500mm f/4.5 Asahi
Mother this Pentax SMC Takumar 500mm f/4.5 Asahi is HUGE! This lens shows the amazing mechanical work Pentax was famous for. It has great optics at its time and still holds its ground even today.Archives
September 13, 2013 by cannonfast
Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Micro AF Non D
While this Non D Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Micro AF is a fantastic lens you might want to skip it and get the newer Micro D version unless you get a really good deal. There is a difference which was very evident after shooting 7 of these lenses together.Archives
September 10, 2013 by cannonfast
Pentax Takumar 135mm f/3.5 SMC
Now this Pentax Takumar 135mm f/3.5 SMC is a great M42 mount lens with really sharp optics and sturdy mechanics. The has a fair bit of aberrations but is really good for it’s age.Archives
September 9, 2013 by cannonfast
JC Penny 28mm f/2.8 MC
Want a really poor lens? Check this JC Penny 28mm f/2.8 MC out. yupee…Archives
September 5, 2013 by cannonfast
Canon 135mm f/2.0 L EF USM
This Canon 135mm f/2.0 L EF USM is hands down the best 135mm portrait lens for Canon and one of the best portrait lenses ever made. This lens is amazingĀ as long as you have lots of room to shoot it in.Archives
September 4, 2013 by cannonfast